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ITP Pānui | Te Pou Hangarau Ngaio

12 May 2023

Panui 12th may

Kia ora koutou, ITP members and supporters. Welcome to the last pānui before TechWeek23 and Budget Day 2023! Last year our industry didn’t fare well in the budget which again reinforced a suggestion government don’t see the transformational opportunities digital technology bring as important enough. I admit there will be digital tech expenditure within other departmental budgets, it was the lack of funding for the Digital Strategy and Digital Technologies Industry Transformation plan initiatives that disappointed me the most. We need strategic investment to create the building blocks to transform our economy, close the digital divide, provide protections from cyber crime and online harm, and ensure everyone has access to the education they need to be able to participate in a higher wage economy. I know times are tough, this budget has a lot of expensive infrastructure challenges to accommodate for but my fingers are still crossed! Ever the optimist. 


JD Trask and I had a great conversation on Wednesday in the first of this winters Fireside Chat series, JD spoke very free and frankly on a range of topics - being a nerd, how inflation and the cost of money is driving the big tech layoffs, skills that are important for him as an employer and yes we did get onto talking about our potential future AI overlords. 

Next week I will be joined by Jordan Carter to discuss the highly contentious topic of internet governance - you can still register to listen and ask Jordan questions during this webinar coming up Wednesday 17th at 4:30pm. 

It’s that time of the year again - TechWeek. Hope you have had a look at the programme and found something to attend, such a varied programme as ever. 

The Wellington ITP Branch has organised drinks on Thursday the 18th at 4:30pm, you can register here. If you are in the capital please drop by for a chat. 

Also on Thursday Nelson’s ITP branch have a talk from local business Snap Group


This week I followed up from my post on succession planning with an explanation of the 50 Coffee’s idea introduced there. Useful for mapping your career and learning about other roles and pathways, but also a useful networking tool for a range of other reasons. 

Speaking of thinking about the future, I really did enjoy this article written last year on what Wellington might look and feel like in 50 years. 

Peter’s editorial today is on Budget 2023 which I know we as a sector are all waiting with bated breath for. He talks about Australia’s budget commitments to AI and Quantum computing, their investment in science, and includes a link to a podcast interview he undertook with Minister Ginny Andersen earlier this week. 

Our guest post this week “It’s being called Russia’s most sophisticated cyber espionage tool. What is Snake, and why is it so dangerous?” Is a cyber security story we should all be paying attention to. 

Brendan is planning his TechWeek activities out for next week with his cartoon today

Digital Equity

As you know I also wear a digital equity hat. This last few weeks have been busy for the DECA community with hui and working group (we call them constellations) focused activity. The affordability of an appropriately spec’d internet connection is still very near the top of everyones agenda so to help move us forward as a country DECA is commissioning research to help better understand what an affordable price point is, how many households need assistance affording an internet connection and what that internet connection might need to look like. If you are a researcher do please consider responding to the EOI DECA have issued. 

You may have also seen the Digital Councils long promised report “Addressing the digital divide: The economic case for increasing digital inclusion” has finally been released. Not as comprehensive as promised but still an insightful piece. 

Another interesting read is Westpac’s report on Access to Banking in Aoteaora. In our hui last week many community facing groups reported a significant increase in a need for support from those who are struggling in this digital world to access banking, telecommunications and other services - and their need to provide front facing support, an unintended consequence of closing postshops, bank branches, spark stores and others. This is an issue DECA will be turning our attention towards in the coming weeks. 

Passing of Jim Higgins

I am very sorry to advise that Jim Higgins, ITP President from 1985-1987 and founder of ALGIM has passed away this week. 

I understand that many ITP members will remember Jim as a wonderful leader and inspirational person, working tirelessly in the IT local government community and as well as the wider NZ IT community. 

The AI Segment

There are new consumer facing AI tools popping up everyday, one of the commentators I follow was impressed with HeyPI so I went looking for info on that and found a couple of articles. HeyPi is designed to be a kind and supportive companion offering conversations, friendly advice, and concise information in a natural, flowing style.

Also new. Building webforms? Have you seen Feathery’s new AI form builder

IBM  has been in the news for a few reasons - they are pausing hiring for roles that could be replaced by AI. And their WatsonX announcement included new generative models. Clearly they aren’t wanting to be left behind in a market they were once leaders. “Using Watsonx.ai, which IBM describes in fluffy marketing language as an “enterprise studio for AI builders,” users can also validate and deploy models as well as monitor models post-deployment, ostensibly consolidating their various workflows.”

Dr Geoffrey Hinton considered the “Godfather of AI” quit google last week so he could speak more freely about the risks of AI technology, this week saying “the burgeoning technology is a “more urgent” risk to humanity than the effects of climate change”. Interesting. 

Voice cloning and voice scams - blowing my mind this week has been learning about voice cloning AI, wondering what I am talking about? here is a simple guide. 

Te Reo Māori and tech terms

This week I thought we could learn a few more names for common items. 

  • Waea mahi is Work phone
  • Waea kawe is Mobile phone
  • Īmēra is Email


Thanks for the feedback on the changes I have made to help make this pānui easier to skim read recently and especially for the feedback on the Te Reo Māori tech terms. Yesterday I met with a researcher and PHD candidate on simplifying the language and concepts our industry has to offer, how we can make this industry more accessible to everyone - watch this space! 

Ngā mihi nui; Kia ora rawa atu - thank you very much for reading this today. Vic 



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This week on Techblog

by Peter Griffin, Editor
Chris Hipkins has flagged a budget with a focus on science, tech, skills and infrastructure. Will it deliver for the digital economy?
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by Greg Skulmoski, Contributor
Snake, the Russian cyber espionage tool, is a simple concept, cloaked in masterful technical design.
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by Victoria MacLennan
Who will our future leaders be? What are you actively doing to create your replacement? These are questions we should be asking ourselves no matter what level of "the ladder" we sit. Even if it's not obvious who your successor might be everyone you work with has the potential so supporting their development is crucial. 
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by Victoria MacLennan
Do you love coffee catchups? Or maybe you hate them and want to overcome that aversion? want to expand your network? find your perfect job? Well there is an old system called 50 coffees that might be right for you. 

It's unclear who started the 50 coffees system / concept / challenge, the idea is to network yourself into meeting 50 new people to help you expand your network, broaden your horizons, connect with others or achieve a specific goal.
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