Fireside Chat with Craig Young

10 April 2024: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Live online

(Connection details will be emailed shortly before the event)


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Craig like Vic wears many hats so this Fireside Chat will cover a good range of topics. Productivity in the economy and the role digital tech can play in lifting this, especially for SME's, Craig will expand on the Digital Boost programme and it's role here. Future Leaders and how we can support those who aspire to leadership or are early in their careers finding their way, what the FLINT programme offers. Affordable connectivity, rural connectivity and what needs to happen to help close the digital divide connectivity wise. Sprinkled into this Vic and Craig will discuss advice to government, how industry can help with these complex challenges and the role of membership organisations.  

About Craig

Craig is passionate about all things technology, he is a CEO of TUANZ the Technology Users Association of New Zealand and has a background working in the Telecommunications industry. Craig is an active advocate for digital equity, improving the productivity of our nation through adoption of digital tech and supporting new entrants into the industry who aspire to be future leaders. 

When - Wednesday 10th April at 4:30pm

Free for ITP members! For more information or to join our community click here


Please note that this session may be video or audio recorded for viewing by other members at a later date. As it is possible that audience members may be incidentally recorded, please let us know if you specifically want to be excluded and we will ensure you are not shown.

Attendance Cost

Everyone: FREE